MussoPini's Mayhem

An on edge Blog full of opinions, knowledge, and possibly even some controversy. The rants and raves of an 100% Italian - The Don MussoPini

Thursday, May 27, 2004

"Did I miss something......when did we get to Disneyland??"

Damn, someone is getting bitter- Eric Likey, Eric want Wingey!!!

Right off the fucking bat, ESPN holds this huge "find the next penis with a decent suit, i mean sportscaster" contest, yet, I have a question. Am I the only guy who hasn't seen this fuckstick on a show yet??? Hey congratulations Tim, you win and will be getting paid 95k a year, yet never ever do a show!!! Wait a minute, that sounds like my kind of gig........C'mon, I can pretend im black and come up with the cheesiest fucking slogans to go along with a dunk that you see in every single basketball game ever played. Why is it that just because it is their highlight they have to make it sooooooo special?? What ever happened to calling it as it is "and here is Vince Carter, he's black, and he can dunk" I think that is clever. Hey Shitbags, Cream called they want their Cheese back.

Should we even start on fat fuck AJ on the Soprano's. I mean, Jesus, WHO BROUGHT THE DORK??!! I would have loved to be at those casting calls, "ok everyone we got Gandolfini, now lets drink a gallon of Vodka to the face and find his son!!" I would have rather had Pee Wee Herman with his faggoty suit and gay bike riding around the mansion touching himself while watching gay porn, then Fat Fuck Fredo. Silvio, great role, horseshit actor. That guy a) doesnt really speak English, it is more like Craenglish, Half CRAP in my mouth, half English, and b) he needs to go back to wearing funny looking bandana's and licking Bruce Springstein's ass!! The more I watch the show, the more Pauly pisses me off. Damn, since when did the sidekick from Dilbert get a starring role? There is a thing as too Italian and Pauly pretty much crosses the damn line each episode. PS, the WB called they want their show Wings back!!!!

This day is coming to an end for me, so I will wrap it up with this: Next time someone cuts you off, pull in front of them, smile, slow down and pull them over, get out of the car walk up to their window, kindly ask them to step out and then give them a swift fucking kick in the groin!!!!!

Overrated - Working, Low carb pasta, fake boobs, phone calls, calculators, spinning rims, hats to the side, tight tee-shirts, and 6 packs.

Underrated - Being a bum, getting fat, natural boobs, mental telepathy, X-Ray vision, a 1976 Fiat, tight tee-shirts, Zips, Buster Browns, Monchi-chi's, The Great Space Coaster, Gary Gnu, hats on backwards, running thru a supermarket yelling obsenities, and 30 packs.

Eric "Dudley Dawson" Booger

I can name that tune in 483 notes....

"Youuuuuu know my friends are fags and bitches....."

Was that Tony Bennett? I hear he left his heart in San Francisco. Great. Big deal. I left my liver in Chicago.

Yeah, for some reason, Sopranos has this habit of surrounding an excellent cast with the WORST actors on earth. Let's see...Gandolfini? Brilliant! Now, we need a retarded kid to play his son. Nothing like a kid so fucking stupid that he starts believing he is a gangster because he plays the son of one on a TV show. And dont get me started in regards to Jaime Lynn-Crapass. I have heard some stories about here, and her alcohol tolerance, or lack there of. And did I mention how great it was to see Silvio, the Consigliari, get to whack someone? Damn, Im next!

Scuba Sneeze! That's great. Hey, don't make fun of the delivery guy just because he can't READ! Where is Ray and his tank tops? He is now dubbed Scuba Sleave.

I don't even have a comment on someone having 15 kids. Wait, who am I kidding, of course I do. I dont understand what is going on in these podunk little southern and midwest towns. Look, Im a pretty good looking guy, and in high school and college, I was "popular" with the ladies, but I wasn't gettin laid every other day (as much as I tried!) Meanwhile, I see Billy Bob Joe Jim on Sally Jesse Crapael, and he's got 13 chicks fighting over him, and they are all mad because he is sleeping with the crew at Hot Dog on a Stick. Meanwhile, this village idiot is sporting a full mullet, three teeth, a Jethro Tull concert t-shirt and acid wash zubaz pants tucked into his black reebok hi tops. This guy is getting laid? Really? The guy is Don Juan DeMarco compared to me....what the hell is that all about? Meanwhile, he's sporting 11 kids. ANd we wonder what is wrong with the planet. In the most sophisticated, educated parts of the country, people are smart enough to have 2 maybe 3 kids. But in Dump Truck, Iowa and Back Scratch, Mississippi, they have nothing to do but screw all day and watch the marsh drain. The country is overrun my morons, and a day of reckoning is near....

Do you really want to piss me off, so close to being licensed? I will sue you! Just, gotta figure out what for. Hmm, emotional distress, perhaps!?!?!? Slander?!?!? Libel??!?! The list is long and's my johnson.

Don't even get me started on Stu Scott. Not to mention he has two different colored eyes, and each one has it's own agenda. Let's not even go into the Rock eyebrow raise he thinks needs to accompany every stupid ghetto cliche he regurgitates. The guy is a black wanna be. It is the weirdest thing. He is a black guy, who isnt black enough, so he tries realllllll hard to be even blacker. "Can I get a witness!" Shut up. "Pooky and nuk nuk and them." Shut up more. "Boo ya!" Ok, now I must injure you. How does Dan Patrick keep from punching this guy in the good eye...wait, which one is that? Was there anything more uncomfortable than his incessant snaps and pounds with the people from Dream Job, who were so white they get application notices from the KKK? You got this 21 year old lily white blonde kid from Missouri who won the competition, giving props, and pats, and pounds, and man hugs, and dog this, and dog that. I was forced to jam a meat thermometer into my eyes. The sooner he goes away, the better.....take it down a notch, screamy!

I like the show idea. Instead, lets just take all the shit they do on Jackass, and do it to random people when they dont expect it. Just kidnap random people, drag them into a dimly lit basement, then staple gun their ass cheeks together, or make them eat a piss snowcone. I think it has potential....

Speaking of TV shows! Go back and read my blog ( Some time ago, I said that American Idol would be better if they kept the shitty singers, and voted off the talented people. Am I wrong, or did the WB just steal my freaking idea!?!?!? I havent seent he show, but I have seen the commercial, and it looks like they are doing exactly that. I want them dead! Their families, dead! Their houses, burned to the ground!


Working---------------------Not working
Sex-------------------------Oral Sex
Your mom--------------------Your mom
Business School-------------Law School
Hating Lawyers-------------The look on your face when you need one
Napkins---------------------Paper Towels
Love Thy Neighbor-----------Covet Thy Neighbors Goods
Jim Rome--------------------Tony Kornheiser
Dr Pepper-------------------Cherry Coke
Relieving yourself---------Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl
Boo Ya-----------------------BRILLIANT!

"Women. Can't live with em........pass the beer nuts."

Tj "Mayday" Malone

"You know I go from Rags To Riches........"

As my fellow Countryman once said, that being Tony Bennett for you jackass' living in a closet or under a rock!!

Classic Overrated and Underrated things by my Consigliari, that is more like it my friend.

I must agree with you that having a Mistress sitting there half charred threating suicide is harsh, but then saying "excuse me, I have to take this" to a cell phone call is utterly .........BRILLIANT!! So it is safe to assume that that chic is no longer going to be considered for an Emmy with her awesomely stunning performances!! What a fucking joke, I mean, hey my niece is 10 and can read, does that mean she is hired?? Oh wait, she is a Malatto.........ooops, Bi-Racial, sorry Larry David.

I am coming up with a new phrase that I want to be spread around. No longer is someone just being retarded or stupid, but Retardingly Stupid. It kinda covers all bases. For example, Will Smith being considered Hip-Hop = Retardingly Stupid........Hip HOP...HIPHOPPONONAMOUS??? From now on call me Scuba Sneeze!!

I heard on the radio this morning that a man and his wife just had their 15th child. Ok, and we want to know what is wrong with the world??? Look no further than HoBokenVille, BumFuck Iowa for 2 teethless, welfare collecting AssGromits raising 15 kids and then wondering why they all want trench coats to go to school in during the middle of a summer heat wave?? First, no woman should be able to have 15 children, it should be physically impossible, I mean, after 5 a woman's uterus should just fall out, plain and simple. No man should have that responsibility of being able to choose which kid he will raise right and which one he will beat the crap out of because he is tired of hearing all the crying. His penis should fall off after the 5 or he should wear at least 10 condoms while "making love." Raising one is hard enough, I imagine, let alone 3, God bless my sister and Knowledge, but after that don't you think the odds go up for having a "Bad Seed" or one kid that might end up eating his/her own crap while trying to whistle Dixie?? Picture it, "Hi everyone, this here is our 15th kid Jethro, don't mind his half a nostril and the fact that his mohlers are growing out of his forehead, we think he could be our best one yet."

Ok, you totally just showed the fucking world why you are nicknamed the Worm, after the legal advice....thanks Johnny CockRing. "UMMM.....PARLIMENTARY PROCEDURE there, its more of a HABIUSSSSS CORPUSSSSSS, MussoPini." But then again you wouldn't be the Worm if you weren't being the WORM........Damn, call me Repetitive Ronnie.

Hey look everybody its Papa Smurf. Dude, I am sick and tired of those little AssMaggots on ESPN, to be honest, I am even getting sick of Stu Scott. How many times can you say "Cooler than the other side of the Pillow" or "Boo Yah" I mean, someone get that guy an eye patch because he is scaring me!!! Hey Stu, im over here buddy!! Is it physically possible to look at the camera and at your own ass at the same time??? I guess so. Tim Kirjin, John Clayton and Jayson Stark - one phrase for you.............EAT MY BALLS!!! Don't tell me why baseball is a certain way and how a slider slides, or a curveball curves or how you wish you could dress in a yellow thong and dance around with Cisco while eating Fig Newtons and listening to re-runs of Stuart Smalley..........AND DOG GONE'IT PEOPLE LIKE ME!! Here is an idea, go outside, grab your ankles and practice ramming a Louisville Slugger up each other's asses, that is about the closest you will ever come to being considered a professional anal-ist, PUN INTENDID.

I am going to start an MTV show called FuckStick, I figure, if stupid asses can get bit by snakes, pierce their ass cheeks together and beat the crap out of their dads, why not make up my own show. This will be a show where we walk around find the biggest, lamest, most putrid fucking nerd on the street, sock him in his mouth and then stamp the word FUCKSTICK on his forehead in permanent ink. Just an idea, hold please FOX just called..........................Ok, they said to go fuck myself.

Overrated - Please, Thank you, bowel movement, pottie break, condoms, communists, Rock Throwing Bastards, Worms, Jennifer Gardner, and Howard Stern

Underrated - Poop, Crap, CrapAss, Fuck off, the phrase "taking a dump", punching your clown (fellas), condoms, STD's, Wilt Chamberlin's sex life, Monica Bellucci, the Matrix, and being able to throw your own crap at eager onlookers when locked in a zoo.

"What if CAT......really spelt DOG??"

Eric "it's Ogre you asshole" Poliwatski

Entering the trust tree.....

Epic post from Mussopini. Rack him! Email of the day.

Let me attack all of these as they come to me. As for Karl Malone, fuk him. I hate him, and I root for him to get clobbered every time down the floor. I see that guy score, and I get angrier than an Ethiopian with no legs watching a donut roll down a hill....

The only thing better than Gotti's Gay Grooves Vol 1, are Gotti's Gay Grooves Volumes 2 and 3. I do believe Vol 4 is in our future. And we were hyping up Ready for the World way before Kanye West. Biter... "Ill drink a bottle of Hennessey you got on your shelf..."

Let me get into this Sopranos episode. Pure gold. In the words of our two favorite cardboard cutouts....BRILLIANT! I watched it three times in the same night. That episode made up for not only the week before, but every bad episode of every show. It was good enough to make me excuse HBO for putting Arliss on air. Of course Adriana had to go, but the way they did it. They really had you thinking that Chris and her were gonna make a run for it, or go state's. Then again, I also thought he was gonna choke her ass out. I love that he choked the shit out of her, then said "I'm sorry!" and she was like, oh, that's cool. That's a good woman! The best line had to be, "Im gonna kill myself!" "Uh, I gotta take this call." Next time, Tony, just hand her a knife and say, "Can I watch?" I love that Silvio finally got some work to do, whacking that big mouth bitch. I hate the FBI, I hate all those fools. And the look on their face, when the one chick says, "She really could have fled!" and the other two look at her like, are you serious??!!?!

As for the Mob. You gotta be in construction. You can't flash that kind of money and say you are a mailman. "Uh yeah, Ill have a bottle of Cristal for me, and one for that table, and put this dinner for 12 on my tab.." SO what do you do? Oh, uh, I run a Mailboxes Etc. First, that sounds gay. Second, you gotta rep that you have some coin for a reason. Running a sanitation station, that's gotta be good cash. And union delegate, come on, fugetaboudit. Kickbacks from here until next year.

The only great think Malone ever did, by the way, was that commercial for the spray on hair, or whatever the hell he did. Finally showing what a putz he is. That guy is the only black redneck. He is whiter than you and I combined. Guy is probably living in a trailer on Wilshire, eating mayo sandwiches listening to John Cougar Mellencamp records...

Ok, legal question. I know, well, really not a whole lot, but Im in law school, so that makes me an authority damnit! Multiple life sentences are important for two reason. First, to eliminate the possibility of parole. Even if you get parole for the first offense, for whatever reason, you still have to rot for the next one, and the next one. Second, the key to any good legal ruling is to establish or maintain precedent. You can't start skimping, because then you create appealable issues in the future. You get convicted for 3 counts of murder, you need to get sentenced for each one. You can't just say, uh, yeah, you rot, peace out. I think the only exception would be death. You can only get one of those.

Hmm, the Dago President. It has potential. You could roll around in an armored IROC. Hold press conferences at the back of an Italian restaurant. "Mr President, arent you waging war for oil?" Then you just look at your "vice" president, and say, Jimmy, take Mr. Jones in the back and explain to him our policy on oil. We call him the vice pres cause he takes the guy in the back and puts his writing hand in a vice. As for Italians getting three hour lunches, why would you want to reduce the amount of time y'all are already taking? Besides, you need a three hour lunch to eat a 7 course meal. And dont tell us about a non-corrupt one would vote for that crap! By the way, I do believe beer is already the national beverage. Shoot, ever seen a Nascar race?

Ok, it's time to speak on a real problem. That being, nerds taking over SportsCenter. These little weasels, who have never picked up a bat because they can't lift it, telling us who has the dopest slider and what is wrong with Carl Everett's swing. As much as I hate John Kruk, the guy knows what the hell he is talking about. Hell, I look at Dan Patrick, Stu Scott, Kenny Mayne...these guys played ball. They understand the nuances. But this guy!!! This is our resident expert on fantasy sports, which means he is going to tell us who the best players are. I don't trust anyone that looks like him, or Jayson Stark, or Tim Kurkjin, or John Clayton...any of these dicks with ears. Kirkjin, the freaking guy is like 3 foot 5. It's like my boy Dibble always says when someone calls him out, "Uh, how many pitches you throw in the big leagues?" I respect that....

Karl Malone--------------------Me
Anna Kornikova-----------------Jennifer Azzi
Kathy Ireland------------------Alyssa Milano
Low-Carb Beer------------------Vodka Gimlet
Southern Rap-------------------Bay Area Rap
Men's Sandals------------------Flojos
Simpsons-----------------------Family Guy
Hot Tubs-----------------------Putting a Q-tip in your ear
Iraqi Militants----------------Rock Throwing Bastards
New York-----------------------Chicago
Political Correctness----------Being an asshole
Phone calls--------------------Rock through a window
Middle Class-------------------Filthy Rich
My left nut--------------------My right nut
Free food----------------------Free drinks

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe...she had so many kids, her uterus fell out!"

"My nose is big..........uh uh I'm not ashamed!!"

"Big like a pickle and I'm still gettin' laid"

How great was that song? Does anyone ever realize that he says a word that don't mean nothin' like Lupid?!!! That is just awesome, such crap lyrics yet everyone grooves to that song, which is why it is on Gotti's Gay Groove's Volume 1.

Yeah, just when you thought your mind was at ease the Consigliari and the Don MussoPini are back. 1st topic: Soprano's, are you joking me, best fucking episode of the season so far. Although I hate to see pretty little Adrianna go, she deserved it. You never talk to the feds, you never rat on your friends, and you always keep your mouth shut!!!! In my first segment on this blog I am going to cover a few rules of Mafia life.
I see a few problems with the whole "other halves" on the Sopranos. First and foremost, don't let your wife or girlfriend know about that shit, your just asking to get pinched. Second, tell her only what she needs to know, why give anyone ammo just in case things don't work out. If for some reason you find she is talking about it, break her ankles first then work your way up!!!! Why is it that you always have to be in construction when your in the MOB? Why can't you say "I work as a Postal worker, or I am and independant consultant for hot dog vendors" I think that would throw more people off. Telling someone that you are 100% Italian and work in these fields: Construction, Garbage, Union Delegate, makes you stick out like a child at a Clergy convention.

Consigliari, I couldn't agree more, I have been saying that all season about "The Mailman" Karl Malone or in your case you would be Karl MaBONE. That guy is overated like having a Tombstone when you die. If that guy played any dirtier we should start calling him Pig Pen from the Peanuts comics. Is it me, or does he look like he belongs in one of those low budget Porn movies. Karl "The Mailman" Malone stars in "Special Delivery 2: this time you'll get it from behind!"

Random thoughts: Is it amazing that someone is actually serving consecutive life sentences or 3 or 4 life sentences. What, is that called the "Resurrection" clause or the "Jesus" rule. "Sir you are sentenced to 3 life sentences, just in case you die, then come back in another form or just rise from the dead." Wouldn't it be much easier just to say, "Sir you fucking sick ass will be in prison until you rot, case closed, who wants lunch??" Why are they called sentences anyways, do they spend time in the prison classroom writing on the board:
"I will not cut people up and eat them like I was Korean"
"I will not cut people up and eat them like I was Korean"

When I am 35 I am going to run for President, would any of you vote for me, that is the question. I would run a fair, non-corrupt campaign!!!These are some of the platforms I may touch on: Italians only have to work 8 months out of the year, and each day will get 3 hour lunches. We will no longer recognize people as people but as any clever slur you can come up. We will no longer pay lip service to any Rock Throwing Bastards, but instead, blow the fuck out of them until they learn. Beer will become the national beverage and the Perfect Manhattan will take place of milk: "Perfect Manhattan's - they do a body good" then noone can complain about being Lactose...Intolerant...............NO, I POOP TOO MUCH!!!

Overrated List: Communication, fakeness, Politically Correct, Politeness, Beating around the bush, not swearing, having allergies, Queer Eye for the straight fag, Extreme Makeover, waking up in the middle of the night to pee or poop, email, Will Smith, American Idol, Alias, working, and being sober, Having a cousin and trying to sleep with her/him.

Underrated List: Yelling, being blunt and brutally honest, saying any racial slur (without really meaning it), sneezing, pissing the bed, Earl Stevens (E-40), swearing, Alcohol, cheese, saying the word Oriental, Mother fucking people on the road, Average BT, Being able to suck yourself off, the movie Swingers, and Having a cousin and trying to sleep with him/her.

"Karen......I'm still gonna go out!!!"

Eric "Two Times" MussoPini
Im gonna go get the papers...get the papers.

It's that time again!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the blogger....beware, I can smell blood in the water.....

Will someone please break Karl Malone's neck? I'd like to say that I am joking, but I am not. Like I didnt hate the guy enough, he is out there, showing everyone what a bitch he is. And he still isn't villified. When are people going to admit that the guy is totally overrated, and the dirtiest player in the last 20 years. This guy makes Laimbeer look like Barney.

Mmmm, Cherry Coke is the bomb.

I'll say it: I am fat. I have put on too much poundage. I am pushing 210 now. That is not good. In the words of Norm Peterson, Im up to my ideal weight if I were 11 feet tall. Finals week killed me. I ate like crap for two weeks, and didnt have time to get to the gym. I guess I had time, but just no energy. I am paying for it now. Great, my wife is gonna love me. Perfect timing! Hmm, you wife, who is up at 5 am to work out, and does fitness competitions, hates you. So, when you see her for the first time in 6 months you are gonna carry an extra 15 pounds with you? BRILLIANT!

Damn, I have no thoughts today....Pini, bail me out....

Friday, May 21, 2004

I dont think I have to sit with you Fuckin' Dildos, any longer

You talk about slept on: Breakfast Club, "you wanna see something go visit John Bender in 5 years...YOU SEE HOW GOD DAMN FUNNY HE IS." Slept on line of the movie: "Hey Brian........Your dad work here??"

Yeah, you gotta love BRILLIANT, and yeah what is it with that fucking Quiznos commercial, dude, seriously everytime I see that commercial I flashback to the days of taking 7 Bong Rips in a row and trying to decipher between real life and make believe. Not that I ever inhaled!! Ok, this has been a question I have asked myself since my later teens. Has anyone ever seen a Bud Light commercial, really old, that had the bottle in the middle of the screen, while a floating blonde head who looked frightingly close to the caddy in Happy Gilmore, saying something about the beer?? Maybe another thing I should not have said outloud, but I swear I never did drugs!!

You ever wonder why it is that people will chastize the hell out of you if you drink and drive at night, but not if it is during the day?? Seriously, I have gotten bithced the fuck out for driving drunk (of course we are never really drunk) after a late night of boozing. But there have been times when I was equally ripped in the mid-afternoon and people were like begging to get into the rider. Was it because I had a Dodge Regal that was bright Red??? My God, when the sun goes down is there some gallatic meltdown that impairs my judgement even more than when I have been beaten down by the sun all day, drank 2 40's of St. Ides and then decided to drive???? Not that I promote this, but have you ever been to the point that you were soooo ripped that you had to close or cover one eye?!! Ahhhh, Being young and thinking you are bulletproof, and I wonder why I never was accepted to Harvard.

TJ, come here, I will hold you, although I talk to myself as well, but not about what is going on in the bathroom, in fact, TJ, hold me!!!!!!

Funny thing, you ever been around a completely drunk fuck who is actually pretty cool but just keeps saying the same thing. BT and I were at a dive bar way back in the day and some dude who rode in on his Harley was sitting right next to us. His favorite word of the night?? FUCK YA!! Said it after everything, and at times would just look over at us tilt his head back, sit up in his seat and say "FUCK YA??" but he posed it as a question. How in the hell do you answer that, so we came to the conclusion that saying it back would be cool, until he thought we were making fun of him!! Well he never did, so FUCK YA'S were exchanged throughout the night. All in all, one of the more intelligent conversations I have ever had.

I think Father Time can suck my balls!! Who is this Old Decrepid ass and where the hell does he live, I would like to have a few ass kicking sessions on that CheeseDick. TJ, you couldn't get away with pegged pants because you would have had to peg them like 17 times and by that point it would have cut off your circulation to your feet.

Don't Taunt the Dan - Should be the new phrase and we should refer to him as "The Dan." I think he has graduated to a noun. Yeah, he doesn't really take to well to little Worms who have allergies and remind him of a stick shift on one of his old riders.

Ass faced Athletes:

Kurt Rambliss: the guy would be the result if Kurt Russell and Harry Potter had a child

Michael Cooper: Shit, that guy was Blurple, you never saw anything but a Yellow Lakers Jersey running around, that guy should have been a runner from Kenya.

Bill Walton: Are you serious, if BigFoot, the Elephant Man and Rocky Dennis had sex you would get Bill Walton!!

"Why dont you suck my balls..................Mr. Garrison"

Eric Cartman

Seacrest, OUT.........of the closet!

You got the number for that truck driving school? Truck Masters I think it was....Im gonna need that.....

I agree whole-heartedly on the Guiness commercial. "Don't drink 6 beers at once? BRILLIANT!" I am laughing writing this, just thinking about it. On the other side of the equation though is the worst commercial of all time, and I will not argue this: Quiznos. Who are the ad wizards that came up with this one?!!?? Purely frightening, I mean honestly, what the hell is that crap? Are they selling sandwiches or nightmares? Little rats with gingivitis singing in bad mexican accents? Hey, makes me hungry for a SUB! Speaking of which, do you ever look at a commercial, think, this is pure and utter crapola, and then realize all of a sudden that at some point, this was pitched as an idea to a person who makes 10 times what you make....and he green lighted it. That's right, people make millions to make bad decisions. Look, I make bad decisions ALL THE TIME! No one pays me a red cent!

Ok, that was frightening. A co-worker just walked by towards the bathroom and said "I think such and such is in there....oh, no, she's out." Ok, um, she wasn't talking to ANYONE! I am scared. That was scary....Pini....hold me....I talk to myself too, but not loud enough for other people to hear!

Yeah, a big slab of wonderbread with a big glop of butter in the middle, rolled up. What the hell was I thinking? Meanwhile, from the side I looked like a meat thermometer. Now, I have the metabolism of a sea lion, and if I walk by a donut shop I can hear myself getting fatter. Father time is a bastard! I also remember eating coolwhip with chocolate sauce on it, with chocolate chips mixed in. I must have been insane. How am I not a diabetic, now that I think about it? No wonder I am tired all the time, Im crashing from my childhood.

The wardrobe, lets not even go there. Nothing could be tackier. What was worse was I was going to school in jeans and tshirts, jealous that i couldnt get away with pegged pants, a wool tie, and the Flock of Seagulls haircut. Now, thank god! I would have had to go back in time and kick my own ass. Meanwhile, I would give my left thumb to get a hold of a pic of you as a kid in a leisure suit. I have to assume it was light the Snoopy shirt. You still wear it? Like, a giant pic of Snoopy, and whoever designed the shirt said, I dont think it is self explanatory enough....we better label the character. Now, Im out there wondering if I want to buy a shirt with an arrow pointing at my crotch that says "Atkins Approved." The times, they are a changing.....

By the way, your dad is always nice to me, really polite and cool. Damnit, that means he hates me, doesn't it!! Should I provoke him? Probably not. I saw a small sign on the recliner that said, "Do not taunt the Dan." Probably good advice...

Spaceballs was good, but kinda crappy in parts. Some of it was just lame, or over explanatory. But man, Moranis was hilarious. Now, Ghostbusters, that is an underrated movie. It was super popular, but people forget how funny it was. "Then dickless here shut off the power." "Is this true?" "Yes, this is true....this man has no dick." Bill Murray is genius...BRILLIANT! Caddyshack, What About Bob, Scrooged, Groundhog Day, Stripes...these are great movies! I mean Stripes, another totally underrated movie, and home to one of the greatest scenes. John Candy playing poker with a guy, and they guy has never played. Candy looks at his hand, and says "I dont know about you, but Id go all in. But thats me! Im a gambler! Yes, yes, bluff me! Ok ok Im in, IM in. Ok I have a full house. What do you have? Ok, a 7, a 2, a 4, a 10 and a Jack...ok, now see, if you had four Jacks, you would have won! See, isnt this fun?"

Ass Faced Athletes:

Im not sure I can top calling someone Whale Shit, but Ill try...

Gregg Poppovich: I know, he's a coach, but DAMN! It looks like someone set his face on fire then put it out with golf shoes and a screwdriver. Someone get him a caulking substance or some wall putty....

Larry Bird: He has come a long way, but in his playing days? Damn, dude. That whispy blonde porno mustache and the blonde fro? Throw on those shorts that were tight enough to cut off someone's oxygen, and some black converse? Whew....

Dennis Johnson: Were the Celtics the ugliest team ever? Robert Parish was the black Lurch. ANd Dennis Johnson, the only black guy with freckles. Not a sweet look....

Jeff Hornacek and Gene Keady: They go together because they are sharing the same wig.

As for Manute Bol, that guy sure would make an ugly skeleton.

"And you Asshole..........You're just lucky to be here!!"

Thank you sir!! No, no, no guys, there are 2 O's in Goose.

Yeah, Christopher Walken, is pure comedy and such an off the wall Heroine fiend, that you have to love him. I mean, if anyone has heard the Jay Mora bit when he describes a conversation that he had with Walken about Mora's dog..... I mean, you will piss in your pants from laughter. MORE COW...BELL, the fact that the man emphasis words that we are not used to hearing, is what I think, makes him Genius..........or BRILLIANT!!

Is there a funnier commercial than 2 carboard fuckheads, talking about drinking Guiness Beer and repeating the word BRILLIANT after everything??!! I mean, with all the technology in commercials, to see such simple yet hilarious commercial is refreshing.

And mid-Blog, Shea, The Worm's sister, tells the world Fuck You, and I must say that I am in total agreeance with her!!!

What other kinda stupid shit did you eat as a kid?? I think butter sandwhiches, may take the preverbial cake, although, like my dad once said, I would have probably eaten shit, if it was prepared right. I must say, I was a chunky ass baby, but nothing is better than the picture in the Parents house of me and my pops in Leisure Suits, hell, I might even try and bring those back. Brown Cords, with a collar that could receive radio waves, not to mention the Brown Cord Vest with cowboy boots. My favorite T-shirt: like having a two tone shirt with a huge picture of Snoopy on it wasnt bad enough, it had to acutally say Snoopy right under it in that Metallic Blue color. How many of you had those T-shirts with an baseball player with the small body and huge head?? C'mon raise your hands, and didn't Darryl Strawberry's actually look pretty damn realistic?? oh wait, it didn't have coke running out of one nostril and blood from the other!! Hey, I didn't dress myself............or did I??? My favorite pastime as a kid? Besides eating Peanut Butter and Belly sandwh.........wait, that is Nate, I mean Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhiches, was trying not to get my ass kicked from good ole Dan. Is it normal to still piss your pants when your dad is severly pissed off?? I find it funny that everyone of my friends feels more accepted when my Dad either yells at them or kicks the crap out of them........Right Kevin and BT???

I drank enough milk as a kid to be considered a dairy product lactoooose....intolerant...........NO NO NO, I POOP TOO MUCH!!!

I'm not mad at the letter TJ, just appreciate the way that you can express your feelings in a letter, like you should be starring in the Showtime Series "Queer As Folk". Hey there is an idea, the FCC tries to censor Howard Stern for saying shit on the air at 7am but we can have a mini-series on Showtime showing 2 guys sucking each other off..........not that I watched that episode!

Why you gotta curse me with the Trump Comb over??? Just cause your teeth and hairline will be looking like Roy Munson minus the metal hook for a hand, in Kingpin. If Navarro was any balder he would not only be disowned by the Mexicans, which is tough to do, but would have Bald Eagles calling for a new name.

Most underrated movie: Spaceballs!!! C'mon, Rick Moranis as Darth Helmet, and having John Candy as a Mawg called Barf!! What about the reference to a Druish Princess or the fact that there is a guy who is titled: Gunner Mate First Class Phillip Asshole..........Who made that man a gunner? I did sir....who is he.........He's an Asshole sir. I mean, what a simple yet disturbingly hilarious comedy.

Ok, back to the "Ass Faced Athletes" -

Totally agree so far, and Patrick Ewing is an unevolved Ape, I know that the Consigliari was waiting for me to say that.

Tyrone Hill: The man looks like a cross between James and the Giant Peach, Whale Shit, and RoadKill

Manute Bol: Ok, the last name is great, but the dude looked like a black version of the aliens in Close Encounters

Diana Taurasi: Sorry ladies, but I saw a clip of her last night up close and the girl has more pits than Cherries. I mean is it leagal to have freckels inside face pits?? That is about as illegal as half the citizens in Patterson

"Are there any Horse Socks............Is anyone listening to me???!!"

Eric Madison

By the time we are done here gentlemen, we are all gonna be wearing gold diapers.....

Hey, look everyone....Papa Smurf!

Christopher Walken blows my mind. The guy talks like he just smoked a glo-stick, with a look on his face like someone just smacked him with a muffler. But he gets role after role, and is widely loved for his work. And I am right there! The guy is brilliant in an way that I can't understand. His choppy speech, distant look...somehow, it all works. It's as if, he created so many quirks, that they all balanced each other out to the point that he appears talented. I don't know, but when you consider that this guy is so good, they actually are going to show a best of Walken on Saturday Night Live this weekend, that is all you need to know. The guy is a guest host, who has been so great over the years, that they have enough material to do a whole show on it! I find that amazing...don't you? I know The Continental has a special place in your heart (Have some, Sham-pa-nya)

I dont know where to start with the cereal thing. All I know is, last time I checked, a bowl full of colored sugar is not part of a complete breakfast! You ever see the commercial, and the kid has a bowl of Frosted Flakes with eggs, bacon, milk, OJ, toast, hash browns. Well no shit it's a complete breakfast, you have every freaking thing on the menu there. If I eat a steak and vegetables, that's a complete meal, so just throw in a used sponge. I'll eat that, cause it's part of a complete meal! Nothing like having your kid spasm from sugar shock during third period. Shoot, growing up, I drank enough soda to kill a small horse. I dont know how my teeth havent fallen out. Not to mention eating enormous amounts of chocolate sauce. I used it like it was a seasoning agent. I remember eating butter sandwiches! What the hell? Now, I skip dessert for a month, and dont even miss it.

I am going to pretend that you didnt just say you had a scrapbook, if you will drop the letter crap. That shit is older than Strom Thurman. Are you mad that it was written, or are you mad that it was saved? By the way, I hate you. Die.

I totally agree about the music thing. I went from Ratt, Twisted Sister and Eddie posters to Straight Outta Compton almost overnight. Damn, we were such little bastards growing up, I bet. At least we kept it real! Its not like we are still those same dorky kids, at least we adjusted to searching out for true hip hop, really enjoying the genre, you know? Some of these fools out here make me want to puke in my mouth. Whitebread, cracker asses! Oops, I mean, Orange County Natives. (gotta be PC) You come from a good neighborhood, Eric, it's not like you live in Compton, with bullets whizzing by your head!

I'll let the Eddie Munster comment go, since you are about 5 years away from the Trump comb-over. It's gonna sneak up on ya, sucka! As for Navarro, he knows that he is joining the skinhead family. I hear he is gonna grow out his eyebrows and comb them back. I hear he cleans out the sink after he shaves and glues the scraps to his head. Any truth to that? That guy's hair line starts at the back of his neck. Moses didnt create a space that wide when he parted the Red Sea. Ok, Im done....

Ok, "Ass Faced Athletes" -
Randy Johnson: right, because a mullet isnt bad enough, let's grow out the 1847 gold prospector mustache and beard. I think 150 years ago is TOO retro.

Eddie Milner: Only because this guy looked so ugly, they had to call him Diamond Head. Not a good nickname to have.

Patrick Ewing: You don't want to admit it, because it has racist undertones, but damn, this cat is still evolving. Darwin would have put him on the cover of his book. "See! See! I told you!"

Rick Smits: When a 7 foot man with skin the color of liquid paper shaves his misshapen head and puts on black socks with a yellow uniform, the authorities need to be notified. Not recommended viewing for children or pregnant women.

Nick Van Exel: When you affectionately referred to as a "crack baby", you may have some appearance issues. This guy's eyes are way over on the side of his head. The only reason the Lakers traded him was because they no longer saw eye-to-eye....

If you want me to crap in a box...............I have spare time!!

Hey, your pretty quick today Bone, Thugs and Larvaony!!

Yeah, what is it with songs that have one lyric changed and end up representing a lame ass commercial for a cereal that makes your teeth fall out?!! Golden Grahams, part of a balanced breakfast!! Yeah right, for who, the diabetic who just went into a coma for eating one little morsal?, "hey folks, only 7000 Grams of sugar, per serving" and in fine print it says "one serving = 1/3 of a Graham.

An Ethopian smoking dope................hmmmm, that would be a good torture for them, munchies with no food!! Like putting an ORIENTAL...I a non- Fung-shway(sp??) room, or getting a Korean stoned with no pets around. "what are you a Korean guy under there??"

Screech, I mean, the guy was doomed, just like Urkel, with the name alone!! You show me where it fucking says Screech on the list??!! Cardiff Giant? does it say that?? Dustin Diamond, then again, is not much better, it is like calling my son Tiny........Tiny Pini, like that kid wouldnt get completely ridiculed for having a bigger nose than a penis. I must agree with you on the Alyssa Milano thing, probably one of the only girls that starred in a TV show and was cute then and now is still really cute. Did anyone else have a scrapbook of her when they were young??? Did I really say that shit out loud??

Hey leave the Mohawk out of this, or should I refer to a certain love poem to a certain someone, Walt WHITEman?? Does the back of a yearbook ring a bell??

Answer me this, did you change the style of music you like soooo drastically like I did?? Damn, I went from having posters of Motley Crue, Ratt, and Poison, watching Headbangers ball and going to my cousins garage day gigs; to talkin' ghetto, getting Negro friends and throwin' up the West Coast. I have totally noticed that in almost every picture that I have of me and the Clic, someone, never fails to throw up some sort of West Coast symbol!! I love it, but I always forget which one of us grew up in Compton listening to bulletts fly by our heads and having nicknames like Dough Boy.

By the way, those highlighters from work do a number on your goatee if your trying for a new color. So save it with your haircut that is a cross between Julius Ceasar and Eddie Munster. Next thing I know you will have long hair and want to be called Antonio BONEderas.

Damn, I really cant believe you busted out Slee Stacks!!! Great comedy there, although I much rather prefer to call them ShitBags.

Navarro, you get a big piece of poop in your mouth, just because. Hey, George Castanza called, he wants his bald spots back!!!

All time "Horendously Look Like My Ass" athletes:
Willie McGee, is it me, or does he look like a Monchichi with a stick up his ass that just smoked a bag of weed to his face??

"Oh Look, Prehistoric Forest!!"

Eric "ohhhhhhhhh Richard" MussoPini

He's a big dumb animal, isn't he folks?

There he is, Liver Phoenix!

So happy, together! I was thinking about that song, since you brought it up. But I couldn't remember who sang it. And why? Because it was used in a damn Golden Grahams commercial. You ever notice how songs end up in commercials, and they change the words, and then you hear the real version of the song, and you find yourself singing the commercial version? Get out of my head!

An Ethiopian on crack? That sounds bad, but what if an Ethiopian smoked pot? Would that be considered the worst idea of all time? Like, it's not bad enough dude is starving, but then give him the munchies? That is the new definition of driving someone insane....

I think you are right, Screech was all in Mr Belding's Kool Aid. Is it worth it that that guy totally sold his dignity on EBay for the success he has had? He is kind of a cult figure, but damn, what a dork. Him and Urkel, really made a bold move. That is suck a bad character, that the actor, Dustin Diamond, doesn't even go by his name anymore. He doesn't even play characters in movies, he plays the guy who played Screech! Can you imagine going through life known not as the guy who played Screech, but as Screech. Everywhere he goes, it's Screech this and Screech that. How can he not have hung himself from the shower rod by now?

I see David Wells injured himself on a bar stool. I have never been so shocked in my life.

I agree, Tiffany Amber-Thiessen.....fuggedaboudit. But she couldn't beat out my girl, Alyssa Milano. Been feenin' for her since we were kids. Talk about longevity. Then, she had to go and date that poo slinger Carl Pavano. What a let down. That's like your wife leaving you for Navarro!

Damn, between your mullet and that little "incident" where you shaved your head, you are the early leader in the clubhouse for Worst Career Hair. That pic of you with your head shaved is very looks like you had liposuction on your head. Scalp looks like a sack full of fists....

Man, Land of the Lost....the Slee-Stacks (sp?)! Excellent costume work. I loved it, they were always in the same crappy cave, the walls made of styrofoam, being chased by a guy in a rubber lizard suit. Absolute genius. And that opening sequence was oooo realistic. 1925 called, they want their special effects back. And I never understood, they fell over a waterfall, and ended up in a different dimension? How does that work. Big ups to Kevin Smith in Jay and Silent Bob who named one of the characters Marshal Willenholly. The three family members from Land of the Lost were Marshall, Will and Holly. Genius....

Again with the mustache? Let it go. The thin soup strainer is history. Back to normal sizes. At least people don't tell me that my beard is showing roots. How does that work, do you soak your face in bleach? Or just color it in with a highlighter at work....

I wish I could buy stock in the odds that Arizona Diamondback Matt Kata is known as "Al" around the clubhouse. Nothing beats the horrible humor and bagging found on a baseball team.

WonderTwin powers, activate! Form of, an eagle...form of, ice....

Byung Hun-Slim

Imagine me and you........and you and me

Wait a second, was that a Larvae I just saw sliming my pages of Blog Hell?? Na everyone, not to be alarmed, that was just Worm!!! Yes, the Dynamic Duo has come together for an extrodinary feat!! So Worm, good to see you, you still weighing about the same as Clarista Flockheart?!! Seriously, is it humanly possible to drink and eat as much as you do, yet still look like an Ethopian on crack!!

Well, lets jump right in, I must admit, I was a huge Zach Morris fan, but then again I used to peg my pants and wear a mullett, who knew??!!! Watching these great actors unfold their high school dilemas brought me to a place of calmness and also brought me to the point of knowing early in my life that I wanted to violate Tiffany Amber-Thiessen!!! Was it me or did Screech want to really get it on with Mr. Belding?? Dude, Hang time, could have been the absolute shittest TV show in the history of TV land?? Yeah a co-ed team where every school they played sucked ass like Scott Navarro would on Dance Fever, or like they were playing the school of the blind every game. I loved the bullshit drama, the one girl on the team, wanted to screw the new guy, but felt threatened by the fact that he was good. Hey girl, did you ever really look at the guy?? His Snozz was bigger than min.........ok, I wont go that far. Oh wait, what about Land of the Lost. I am sorry but even back in the day, couldnt they have come up with a worse Intro. 3 fuckin' crapAsses in a lifeboat in a world where it looks as everything is 20 X bigger than them. Damn, I forgot that Dinosaurs where all 89 feet tall and humans were the size of ants. What about the aliens or whatever the hell those Shitbags were. Why couldn't they just put the right God Damn crystal in the box of crayons and go the fuck home??!!

As for the NBA players, what a bunch of bitches, who wouldn't want to go there and win a Gold Medal. They act like they are doing America a favor and that the medal itself wouldn't be as dope as the arrest record that they are going to get for illegally smoking dope out of a bong made of Diamonds. I'll tell you what, for the record, if there is a party, even if its thrown by Rock Throwing Bastards that involves free booze you can guarantee 2 things: 1) The Consigliari and MussoPini will be there, and 2) by the time they are done matching us drink for drink, they would be convinced that nakedness is the way to go and how feesible it would be to jam rocks up each others asses!!!

Hey Skinny Driver, You still trying to grow that 1930's style Mexican mustache?? I am going to go for that look. Who doesn't want to look like dad from Adam's Family??

"If I showed a picture of your mom to my friends, we would vote her Boner of the Month"

Eric "Tommy Boy" MussoPini

Lets Get Ready to Grumble!

Whoa, whoa, where the hell am I? Looking around, but nothing looks familiar. I seem to have been kicked out of blog heaven into blog hell. I see a red man, with a horn coming out of his, wait, that's just Mussopini, with a sunburn. Ahh, and that's his nose. Wait, this is even worse....

What up, Pete Nose? Guess there is plenty to discuss today. Lakers/Wolves. Sharks nosedive. I'd say the Bears, but perhaps we can actually go a day without talking Bears. Yeah right.

What is the worst show you ever really enjoyed watching? I have to admit, I watched Saved By the Bell, which was absolute cheese, but it doesnt come close to that Saturday morning garbage, Hang Time. I used to watch this, because it was so unbelievably bad, I had to watch it. Why is TV sometimes like a train wreck. There is nothing good about it, but we can't divert our eyes? I still can't decide what was better...the awful acting, or the brutal basketball scenes. I remember, this was a high school basketball team that was, dare I! What the???

I don't get these NBA guys who don't want to go to the Olympics. You really don't want to play for a gold medal? Represent your country? Play in an excellent tournament? I don't get it. It's like, if you and I were invited to a crappy party, full of dorks, but with free booze. We would go. It's not like we are gonna say, hey, we are pros at this, we only drink at bars. No, drinking is what we do! I don't care if it's against pros or amateurs. Any chance to work on my game....

You still frosting your hair? I think that is a dope look....

You see this guy who won the Blind Golfers Tournament in England, and well, it turns out, he can see! Gotta love that. I hear for an encore, he is going to enter the Special Olympics and a wheelchair basketball league....


Thursday, May 20, 2004

Picture This....

Alright, I've about had it, I am coming back from my mini haitus to talk even more poop about this whole Iraqi thing. I think my great friend and Consigliari TJizzle, aka the Worm, said it best.........."why haven't we turned that shithole place called Iraq into a parking lot?" Can any other sentence be more true than that?? Have I not reiterated those exact words in one of my other blogs?? What good, seriously, comes out of Iraq, in terms of the United States? Oil?? Rocks?? Extra long turbans to cover the nappiness and grease on our domes? Seriously, if someone can answer that I would be all ears in terms of listening to a rebuttle, but if no one is there and the place is leveled, couldn't we just get oil from there ourselves? Hey, then maybe we wouldn't be paying ridiculous amounts for gas, that it just so happens everyone needs. Unless, of course, your one of those nature loving hippies and dont own a gas powered car or ride one of those lame ass chopper looking bikes. You know what I am talking about, the ones you have to expend more energy just to pedal the damn thing, then you do being in a Worlds Strongest Man competition.
Ok, back to the fun loving topic of this whole situation over there. I am beginning to not even sympathize with the prisoners that our soldiers have mistreated. I watched the Arabic video of the decapitation, and I must say, it didn't sit very well in my stomach, its very tough to watch. Ok, at what point do we here in America, quit being little bitches and stop worring about what our own soldiers are doing to Iraqi prisoners and start worring about letting that whole fucking country rot, and bringing our troops home. How many of them must die, when supposedly the war is over? This is what I can't stand about people here in the States. It is like the same people who argue or protest about the Death Penalty!! Are you joking me, you mean to tell me that if one of your children or family memebers were brutally murdered by some derranged.....sorry "clinically insane" person, you wouldn't want to see him or her tied up, beaten, impailed and then tortured??!! Ok, maybe that is just my sick mind working, but then I would say that you are a better person than me. I don't hide feelings, I don't say things that everyone wants to hear, nor will I ever. Why the hell do you have an opinion if you are not willing to speak it because you are afraid of who might judge you. Shit, If I worried about that, I would be selling hot dogs and wearing a funny looking hat!!!

Now, there is speculation that this video was a set-up of some kind, and that the guy was already dead when the decapitation happened. I have heard that a few times now, and the funny thing is, people are actually saying that it could never be true. Hello, does anyone remember the thing called the Magic Bullet Theory?? JFK ring a bell. Now if someone tells me that our own Government didn't have anything to do with that, then bring them over here so I can "hit them over the head with a hammer, because they are a retard!!!" Is it that hard to imagine?? Now, I really don't think that we had something to do with that, but in all actuallity, it isn't that far fetched. I have heard experts saying that, if you look closely, one of the mans hands is white and most Arabic people do not have that type of skin color. Also, one of the mans accents seems to be of Russian decent. All in all, who really knows, the video was brutal, but if you watch it closely, how would a man, who is about to die, and knows it, not struggle at all?? Would his body really just be limp as the knife pierces his skin?? Things to think about as this whole mess becomes even uglier by the day. Has anyone read the Karan or did research on the Religion of Islam or what it means to be a Muslim? How about we stop giving these pussy coward credit for being a part of that religion. Why dont we call them what they really are: Rock Throwing Bastard Terrorists who don't have the fucking balls to show there face half the time and kill innocent people. I really think that should be adopted as their official title. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "RTBT(wdhtfbtstfhttakip)." LOL, that actually works, lets all try and adopt this, or the RTB part for short.

Why is it that we are the most powerful country, arguably in the history of the world, yet we sit back, let young boys and girls fight in a foreign land, die (in my opinion) in vain and watch them hijack our planes and destroy our tallest buildings?? We do this, while Sadaam Hussein, probably sits in a cell, gets 3 meals a day, yet he was responsible along with Osama Bitch Laden for the death of hundreds of innocent Americans. Does that make sense?? We bitch and moan about how prisoners of war, who were trained to kill, torture, and behead American soldiers and civilians, are treated. Give me a damn break, why should these people have any rights?? Why should Scott Peterson deserve not to be shot if he is convicted of having his wife and unborn child murdered. Is it fair that we pay for Charlie Manson to sit on Death Row for years and years as he files bullshit appeals?? So, if you are Jewish and Hitler was still alive and captured, you would be ok with him in a prison cell, eating 3 squares a day, working out if he wanted and reading any type of book he could choose?? I didn't think so, so stop pretending you are this huge human rights activist and look deep inside yourself, its ok to embrace anger and speak about it, makes you realize that you are still alive. The people who you are close to will know the difference. Do people even stop to listen to the dirrahea that comes out of there mouths?? Who are you?? What is your purpose?? Saying 2 wrongs don't make a right, is like saying that it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but how you play the game. Tell that to the people who are risking their lives for YOUR VERY freedom everyday in Iraq. Tell that to Pat Tillman.

Picture this: The person who says that probably hasn't won a damn thing in their life or even taken that risk to put themselves out there, for fear that they might fail.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.
Beverly Sills (1929)

Eric Gotti