Alright, I've about had it, I am coming back from my mini haitus to talk even more poop about this whole Iraqi thing. I think my great friend and Consigliari TJizzle, aka the Worm, said it best.........."why haven't we turned that shithole place called Iraq into a parking lot?" Can any other sentence be more true than that?? Have I not reiterated those exact words in one of my other blogs?? What good, seriously, comes out of Iraq, in terms of the United States? Oil?? Rocks?? Extra long turbans to cover the nappiness and grease on our domes? Seriously, if someone can answer that I would be all ears in terms of listening to a rebuttle, but if no one is there and the place is leveled, couldn't we just get oil from there ourselves? Hey, then maybe we wouldn't be paying ridiculous amounts for gas, that it just so happens everyone needs. Unless, of course, your one of those nature loving hippies and dont own a gas powered car or ride one of those lame ass chopper looking bikes. You know what I am talking about, the ones you have to expend more energy just to pedal the damn thing, then you do being in a Worlds Strongest Man competition.
Ok, back to the fun loving topic of this whole situation over there. I am beginning to not even sympathize with the prisoners that our soldiers have mistreated. I watched the Arabic video of the decapitation, and I must say, it didn't sit very well in my stomach, its very tough to watch. Ok, at what point do we here in America, quit being little bitches and stop worring about what our own soldiers are doing to Iraqi prisoners and start worring about letting that whole fucking country rot, and bringing our troops home. How many of them must die, when supposedly the war is over? This is what I can't stand about people here in the States. It is like the same people who argue or protest about the Death Penalty!! Are you joking me, you mean to tell me that if one of your children or family memebers were brutally murdered by some derranged.....sorry "clinically insane" person, you wouldn't want to see him or her tied up, beaten, impailed and then tortured??!! Ok, maybe that is just my sick mind working, but then I would say that you are a better person than me. I don't hide feelings, I don't say things that everyone wants to hear, nor will I ever. Why the hell do you have an opinion if you are not willing to speak it because you are afraid of who might judge you. Shit, If I worried about that, I would be selling hot dogs and wearing a funny looking hat!!!
Now, there is speculation that this video was a set-up of some kind, and that the guy was already dead when the decapitation happened. I have heard that a few times now, and the funny thing is, people are actually saying that it could never be true. Hello, does anyone remember the thing called the Magic Bullet Theory?? JFK ring a bell. Now if someone tells me that our own Government didn't have anything to do with that, then bring them over here so I can "hit them over the head with a hammer, because they are a retard!!!" Is it that hard to imagine?? Now, I really don't think that we had something to do with that, but in all actuallity, it isn't that far fetched. I have heard experts saying that, if you look closely, one of the mans hands is white and most Arabic people do not have that type of skin color. Also, one of the mans accents seems to be of Russian decent. All in all, who really knows, the video was brutal, but if you watch it closely, how would a man, who is about to die, and knows it, not struggle at all?? Would his body really just be limp as the knife pierces his skin?? Things to think about as this whole mess becomes even uglier by the day. Has anyone read the Karan or did research on the Religion of Islam or what it means to be a Muslim? How about we stop giving these pussy coward credit for being a part of that religion. Why dont we call them what they really are: Rock Throwing Bastard Terrorists who don't have the fucking balls to show there face half the time and kill innocent people. I really think that should be adopted as their official title. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "RTBT(wdhtfbtstfhttakip)." LOL, that actually works, lets all try and adopt this, or the RTB part for short.
Why is it that we are the most powerful country, arguably in the history of the world, yet we sit back, let young boys and girls fight in a foreign land, die (in my opinion) in vain and watch them hijack our planes and destroy our tallest buildings?? We do this, while Sadaam Hussein, probably sits in a cell, gets 3 meals a day, yet he was responsible along with Osama Bitch Laden for the death of hundreds of innocent Americans. Does that make sense?? We bitch and moan about how prisoners of war, who were trained to kill, torture, and behead American soldiers and civilians, are treated. Give me a damn break, why should these people have any rights?? Why should Scott Peterson deserve not to be shot if he is convicted of having his wife and unborn child murdered. Is it fair that we pay for Charlie Manson to sit on Death Row for years and years as he files bullshit appeals?? So, if you are Jewish and Hitler was still alive and captured, you would be ok with him in a prison cell, eating 3 squares a day, working out if he wanted and reading any type of book he could choose?? I didn't think so, so stop pretending you are this huge human rights activist and look deep inside yourself, its ok to embrace anger and speak about it, makes you realize that you are still alive. The people who you are close to will know the difference. Do people even stop to listen to the dirrahea that comes out of there mouths?? Who are you?? What is your purpose?? Saying 2 wrongs don't make a right, is like saying that it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but how you play the game. Tell that to the people who are risking their lives for YOUR VERY freedom everyday in Iraq. Tell that to Pat Tillman.
Picture this: The person who says that probably hasn't won a damn thing in their life or even taken that risk to put themselves out there, for fear that they might fail.
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.
Beverly Sills (1929)
Eric Gotti